The Sociedad de Estudios Históricos de Navarra (SEHN) is made up of scholars from different fields of the history of Navarre. Among its members, a large number are dedicated to teaching (university professors, including professors at the three universities of Navarre, secondary education and high school), scientific research, work in archives, libraries and museums, as well as the management of historical and cultural heritage in institutions and companies, among many other activities related to the historical past of Navarre.

Any natural person of legal age who wishes to cooperate with its aims and participate in its activities may become a member of the SEHN, accepting the provisions of its statutes.

The SEHN is governed by its General Assembly, the highest governing body, made up of all the members, and its Board of Directors, the body representing the society, made up of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and members.

  D. Javier Andreu Pintado (Universidad de Navarra), president.

 D. Pedro del Guayo Litro (Degree in Geography and History from the University of Navarra, specialising in Archaeology from the Complutense University of Madrid. Colegio Luis Amigó), vice-president.

 Dña. Maite Díaz Francés (PhD in Art History), Treasurer.

 D. Íñigo Arzoz Mendizábal (UNED Pamplona/IES Sancho III el Mayor de Tafalla), secretary.

D. Miguel Ángel Arrondo Durán, member.

D. Jaime Aznar Auzmendi (PhD in Medieval Archaeology), member.

D. Alberto Cañada Zarranz (Director of the Programming Department of the Filmoteca de Navarra / Nafarroako Filmoteka), member.

Dña. María Narbona Cárceles (Lecturer in the Department of History. Area of Historiographic Sciences and Techniques. University of Zaragoza).

Dña. Thais Rodés Sarrablo (PhD in History of Art, Faculty of Theology, University of Navarre), member.

Dña. María Josefa Tarifa Castilla (Lecturer in the Department of History of Art at the University of Zaragoza / Tutor Lecturer at the UNED P.amplona), member.

D. Javier Larequi Fontaneda (Pre-doctoral researcher in the Department of History, History of Art and Geography of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra), member.

The Sociedad de Estudios Históricos de Navarra, as a non-profit-making association, is financed by the membership fees of its members.

However, for the organisation of its various activities (series of conferences, round tables, congresses, etc.) it also participates in public calls for subsidies and grants for cultural dissemination, both from the public administration (Government of Navarre and Pamplona City Council) and from other institutions such as the Caja Navarra Foundation. At the same time, it receives the collaboration of Navarre’s town councils through the cession of their cultural spaces for the development of its programmes.

Caja Navarra Foundation. At the same time, it receives the collaboration of the Navarrese town councils through the cession of their cultural spaces for the development of its programmes.

The Sociedad de Estudios Históricos de Navarra holds the MECNA seal awarded by the Government of Navarra to cultural and artistic initiatives of social interest, under the Foral Law of Cultural Patronage of Navarra, which entails significant tax incentives for companies and individuals who support its programmes for the cultural dissemination of the History of Navarra. This distinction was granted by Resolution 229/2015, of 26 June, by the Director General of Culture-Principe de Viana Institution, by which projects, cultural activities and standard programmes were declared to be of social interest in accordance with the provisions of the Foral Law 8/2014, of 16 May, regulating Cultural Patronage and its tax incentives in the Autonomous Community of Navarre (BON no. 143, 24 July 2015).